「I ask no favor for my sex, all I ask of our brethren is that they take their feet off our necks.」「Be a lady. Be independent.」「Men and women are persons of equal dignity and they should count equally before the law.」「She maybe small but she's got a firm backbone.」「A community where the least shall be heard and considered side by side with the greatest. I will keep that wisdom in the front on my mind.」
fear of alone, fear of uncertainty,fear of losing job, fear of end up nothing in life~~ at least we have someone to ❤️
很多没必要的桥段,而且有些拍出来实在太尴尬。导演很有野心,想拍出来的东西太宏大,而且又是很空很抽象的东西,就格外要求高超的镜头语言,但是大多数时间的尝试并不成功。非常非常非常喜欢Jessica Chastain的表演,完爆海瑟薇。对结尾没有太大意见,白昼美人还是很像诺兰的。